

Sound heard in one or both ears in the absence of external noise. People of all ages can develop this, but its more common in older adults. Tinnitus is commonly known as a ringing sound in the both sides of the ear.

People with that originate within the ear itself. This means theres nothing close to your head that makes the sounds you hear. For this reason, the sounds of these are sometimes known as phantom sounds.

These sounds may include ringing, buzzing, roaring, or whistling noises in the ear. It can be frustrating. Sometimes, the sounds you hear can interfere with hearing real sounds around you.

In many cases, this is associated with hearing loss, and your risk of developing tinnitus is increased if you have been exposed to Loud noises.

Tinnitus Causes and risk factors:

  •  Previously exposure to excessive noise was a risk factor. 
  • Meniere disease
  • Noise induced hearing loss
  • Presbycusis
  •  Anaemia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Head injuries
  • It can occur with depression, anxiety, and stress.
  •  Ear and sinus infections
  • Diseases of the heart or blood vessel  Brain tumors
  • Hormonal changes in women


  •   It can be either objective or subjective. Objective means that both you and other people can hear certain noises in your ears..It is rare.
  •   The volume of the sound can fluctuate.
  •   It is noticeable at night or during periods of quiet
  •   Subjective is much more common. Only you can hear the roaring, ringing, and other sounds of subjective.
  •   Heard Ringing sound both or one side of ear in the absence of external noise.


  •  Otoscopy
  • Hearing test
  •  Blood test to check anaemia
  • CT SCAN or MRI SCAN to rule out a tumor


  •  Avoid loud noise parties.
  • Avoid using of earphones
  • Avoid going to crowded places. 
  • Reduce your stress level

Homeopathic medicines:

  Baryta muraticum: baryta mur is a well indicated remedy for buzzing and wheezing sound in the ear. Noise on chewing and swallowing. Vertigo due to noises in ears.

  Belladonna: Belladonna is a well-indicated remedy for humming ear, and inflammation of the inner ear. The severe throbbing of the head is associated with vertigo. The patient feels that he is falling to the left side or backward.

  Hepar sulphuris: in hepar sulph wheezing and throbbing sound in ear with hardness of hearing. Discharge of fetid pus from the ear. Gums and mouth are painful to touch.

  pulsatilla: Pulsatilla is a well-indicated remedy for sensation as if something were being forced outward. When there is the presence of ear discharge along with changeability of symptoms. In most cases thick yellow discharge or pus-like. Frequent ear infection, vertigo with nausea, hearing difficulty, and humming noise in the ear.

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