It is cancer of white blood cell in which B lymphocyte a type of w.b.c start growing abnormally in the body. These cells look hairy under microscope so it’s called as hairy cell leukemia. It’s a slow growing cancer CAUSE of HAIRY CELL LEUKEMIA Hairy cell leukemia happen when DNA of B-cells develops changes and these changes leads to overproduction…


Those cancers which develop in the mouth, nose, salivary gland, sinuses and throat are called Head and neck cancer. Mostly cancer of head and neck are squamous cell origin and affect mucous membrane of head and neck .i.e Nose, Throat, Sinuses, Salivary gland CAUSE OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER: TYPE OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER:  When cancer develop in mucous…


It is disorder in which abnormal increase in certain type of white blood cell called histocyte cell. These cell help in destroying foreign material and fight infection Extra or abnormal production of histocyte cell form tumors in different part of body i.e. Skin, bone, spleen, liver, lymph etc It is very rare cancer; this condition is more common in children…


When B lymphocytes start growing abnormally and collect in lymph nodes is called Hodgkin lymphoma. Lymph node is a part of lymphatic system. It is uncommon cancer The lymphocytes lots its infection fighting properties and person become more prone to infection HODGKIN LYMPHOMA CAUSE  The exact cause is still not known but there are some risk factor  which increase chance…


Hypo pharynx is lowest section of pharynx. When mucus membrane of hypo pharynx become cancerous and starts growing abnormally is called hypo pharyngeal cancer. It is uncommon type of head, neck, and throat cancer. CAUSES OF HYPOPHARYNGEAL CANCER:     There is some risk factor which increase the chance of developing hypo pharyngeal cancer:- HYPOPHARYNGEAL SYMPTOMS: HYPOPHARYNGEAL CANCER DIAGNOSIS:  HYPOPHARYNGEAL CANCER PRECAUTION:…

Heartburn With Homeopathic Management

Heartburn With Homeopathic Management

Just below the chest bone, the sternum experiences pain with severe burning with acidity called heartburn. It is worse with the eating of oily food, in the evening, or on lying down. It comes occasionally while eating continuously fatty food. People manage by themselves while changing their habits or lifestyle. Causes of heartburn GERD gastroesophageal reflux disorder: In which people experience…