CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA is also called chronic myeloid leukemia. It is a type of leukemia in which overproduction of WBCs in the bone marrow occurs. It is similar to AML. But progress is slower than acute leukemia. CAUSES:-  it is mainly due to Philadelphia chromosome. (I.e. a genetic abnormality.). It occurs when two chromosomes, 9 and 22 exchange genetic material….


Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are a group of rare, chronic blood disorders. MPN mainly affects the ability of bone marrow to produce normal blood cells. In this excessive production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.  Myeloproliferative means abnormal proliferation or overgrowth of cells in the bone marrow that increase the no. of mature blood cells. TYPES:-  CAUSES:- the…


When cancer spread to body but physician not able to identify primary site of cancer, its called cancer of unknown primary. Mostly cancer which spread to other part or metastasis to other organs known as secondary cancer and the site where cancer begin called as primary cancer but in rare cases cancer spread to other parts and physician unable to…


Cervix is the lower part of uterus, which connect body of uterus to vagina. When the cell of cervix lining become malignant and grown abnormally is called cervical cancer Most common in females over age 30 CERVICAL CANCER CAUSE:   Mostly cervical cancer caused by virus i.e. HPV (human papilloma virus) transmitted through    sexually transmitted.  Long lasting infection with HPV…


Cancer in children can occur in any part of the body ie. blood, lymphnode,spinal cord, kidney other orgon. Cancer in childhood is uncommon.  Cancer happen when normal healthy cell become unheathy and start growing abnormally in any tissue or orgon of body The exaxt cause in most of cases is not known yet what leads to carcimnoma.  Types of childhood…


Cardiac tumors are neoplasm grow in inner lining, muscle layer or pericardium surrounding the heart. Cardiac tumors are either benign or malignant in nature Cardiac tumors are rarely primary tumors which means begins in cardiac region but mostly cardiac tumors are monastic from other sites. Most common cardiac tumor in children is Rhabdomyoma Rhabdomyoma is rare and benign mesenchymal tumor…


Cancer of bile duct called cholangiocarcinoma Bile duct is a slendrical tube that connects liver, gallbladder and duodenum. If contain bile a digestive fluid. When cell of bile duct get cancerous and grow abnormally it called cholangiocarcinoma  It’s a very rear but aggressive kind of tumor It mostly affects older adults. CAUSE OF CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA (BILE DUCT CANCER):    Change in DNA…


Chordomas are a very rare type of cancer in children. It’s a slow growing cancer of the spine. It can develop anywhere in the spine but commonly found in the skull base. CHORDOMAS CAUSE:     Exact cause of chordomas is not known    Tuberous sclerosis, genetic disorder condition link to childhood chordoma growth   Some studies identifies changes in TBXT genes in people…


It is type of cancer in which bone marrow make too many lymphocytes. lymphocytes are type of W.B.C present in blood, its play important role in body immune system.  Lymphocytic leukemia are most common type of leukemia in adult. It is slow growing cancer. CAUSES OF CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia occur when certain chromosome and genes in DNA…


Colorectal cancer is a cancer of large intestine  Colon is a final part of large intestine connected with rectum, sometime both colon and rectum involved. It’s usually begun as benign growth called polyp but overtime these polyp become cancers. Colon cancers are mostly seen in adult age. CAUSES OF COLORECTAL CANCER:   Colon cancer develop when cell in colon develop changes…