Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerves carry impulses between nerve
roots in the lower back and the muscles and nerve of the buttocks, thighs and lower legs.
Sciatica is a pain in the lower back of the body due to compression or injury of the sciatic nerve.
The pain of sciatica is felt from the lower back to behind the thighs and radiating down below the
knee and occasionally reaching the foot.

SYMPTOMS : The main signs and symptoms of sciatica are as follows; mostly the symptoms
are seen on one side and sometime both side; 

  • Burning sensation in legs or thigh area.
  • Numbness in legs.
  • Tingling in the legs and thighs.
  • Radiating pain from the buttocks that goes down the back of leg and foot.
  • Cramping sensation.

CAUSES : It occurs when the sciatica nerve becomes pinched. The cause is usually a
herniated disk in the spine and when the bone becomes large. Sometimes called bone spurs,
they form on the spinal bones. Mostly a tumour can put pressure on the nerve or diabetes can
damage the nerve.

  • Slip disk.
  • Inflammation in piriform muscles. Injection to buttocks.
  • Infection in the spine.
  • Cauda equina syndrome.
  • A growth within the spine such as tumour.

RISK FACTORS : Risk factors for sciatica pain are as follows :

  • Age : The most frequent causes of sciatica are changes in the spine brought on by ageing.
  • Excessive weight : being overweight increases stress in the spine.
  • Occupation :  a job that requires twisting the back, with heavy loads or during a motor vehicle for a long period of time. 
  • Prolonged sitting :  people who have sitting jobs are more likely to suffer from sciatica pain.
  • Diabetes : Nerve injury is more likely in those with diabetes.

COMPLICATION : Most people recover fully from sciatica, often without treatment. But sciatica
can damage nerves. Seek immediate medical attention for ; 

  • Loss of feeling in the affected leg.
  • Weakness in the affected leg.
  • Loss of bowel movement.
  • Weak control of bladder.

PREVENTION : Sciatica is not always prevented  and the condition can recur; 

  • Healthy exercise : when the core muscles are working good then the back is strong. the
    muscle in the abdomen and lower back needed for good posture and alignment.
  • Sitting with good posture ; choose a seat with good lower back posture, place a rolled
    towel in the small of the back to keep its normal curve. Maintain the level of hips and
  • Use your body correctly ; when standing for long periods rest one foot on a stool or small box for time. Let your legs handle the lifting while moving something heavy.Hold the load close to your body. Avoid lifting and twisting simultaneously. Find a helper to lift any awkward or heavy objects.

Sciatica Pain Homeopathic Medicine and Treatment in Zirakpur

  1.  Magnesia phosphorica :   wonderful homoeopathic medicine for sciatica pain
    of the right side. The sciatica pain is cutting, shooting, stabbing, or stitching in
    nature. Pain starts in the lower back and extends down the right hip, thigh, hollow
    of knee and leg. Pressure or warm application may offer relief. In some cases,
    uncovering the lower limb worsen the pain.
  2. Arnica montana : best homoeopathic medicine for sciatica. Sciatica pain from a back
    injury. The injury may be caused by falls or blows. Arnica montana is advised in the case of
    sciatica with excessive soreness of lower limbs. The slightest touch is unbearable on the
    affected side. 
  3. Cotyledon umbilicus :   cotyledon umbilicus is a well indicated homoeopathic medicine
    for intense sciatica pain where it is accompanied by high sensitivity in lower limbs. Heaviness in
    the lower limbs may also be felt. Also, in case of stinging pain in the left hip, cotyledon umbilicus
    shows remarkable healing. 
  4. Kali iodide : kali iodide is an excellent homoeopathic remedy for sciatica pain that offers
    great help where sitting or standing worsen pain. Kali iodide is also the preferred homoeopathic
    medication for sciatica pain that gets worse at night. The person may wake from sleep in the
    middle of the night due to the pain. Walking provides some relief. Another unique feature in
    such cases is formation on the legs. The formation is most felt while sitting.

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