Esophagus is the tube like structure which connects the throat to stomach. Any malignant growth of cells in the esophagus is called esophageal cancer.
Two types of esophageal carcinoma:-
- Adenocarcinoma: – this type of cells arises in the lower part of esophagus.
- Squamous cells carcinoma: – These cancerous cells develop in the thin, flat cells lining the inner surface of the esophagus.
CAUSES: – the exact cause is unknown. But certain factors and causes are as follows:-
- Smoking, tobacco, cigarette, cigar is the main cause of developing esophageal cancer.
- Those people who are suffering from chronic acid reflux disease (GERD) have increased risk of developing cancer.
- Excessive consumption of alcohol from a long time is also a cause of thus cancer.
- Obesity.
- Age: – it is common in the age of 55 and above.
- The people with family history positive for this have increased risk.
- Exposure of certain chemicals from a long term can increase the risk of developing cancer.
- Habit of drinking very hot drinks.

SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS: – the common symptoms are:-
- Dysphagia- difficulty in swallowing.
- Weight loss from unknown cause.
- Pain in chest or discomfort in chest.
- Frequently heartburn.
- Persistent or chronic cough.
- Regurgitation of food or liquid.
- Easily fatigue, tiredness, lethargic.
- Stomachache and indigestion.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Weakness.
- Loss of appetite.
- Stop smoking.
- Avoid alcohol consumption.
- Eat healthy and nutritious diet including food and vegetables.
- Consumption of very hot drinks and food should be avoided.

- Gums bleed easily.
- Sensation as if lime was burned in the stomach.
- Acid dyspepsia.
- Sensation of a ball rising in the throat.
- Hoarseness with pain in the chest.
- Expectoration scanty must be swallowed.
- Malignant symptoms.
- Everything swallowed seems to lodge in the esophagus, which seems closed, as if nothing would pass.
- Nausea, retching, vomiting after eating or drinking.
- Long lasting eructation.
- Dyspepsia from vinegar, acids, ice- cream, ice water, tobacco.
- Complete loss of appetite.
- Cutting pain in the epigastrium.
- Flatulence, pains after food, sinking sensation in the epigastrium before food.
- Thirst.
- A hard stony growth, enlarged gland anywhere in the body.
- Cancer of any part of the body.