

A chalazion is a fluid-filled pimple or lump in the eyelids due to blockage of an oil secreting gland named the meibomian gland. It is usually painless and may appear and disappear in a few weeks or a month. A chalazion can be confused with the stye, which is the infection of the oil gland.


●  A chalazion is caused by blockage of the meibomian gland.

●  If the patient has a history of inflammatory conditions like seborrhea, acne, and chronic nephritis.

●  Bacterial or viral infection of eyelids.

●  Acne rosacea

●  Tuberculosis.

●  Applying excess eye makeup can cause irritation.

●  Prolonged use of contact lenses can cause infection.


●  In the beginning, the upper or lower eyelids become red and swollen.

●  After a few days a small red lump appears that can be painful or painless.

●  A lump can occur over the upper or lower eyelids.

●  Blurred vision due to increased size of the lump that can affect vision.

●  Watery discharge from the eyes as a lump can cause irritation to the eyes.

●  Chalazion mainly affects adults more than children. Diagnosis:

●  Optometry

●  Patient history to see if there is the presence of any other health problem that may contribute to the eye problem.

●  Physical examination of eyes Management:

●  Warm compression: soak a soft, clean cotton cloth in warm water and apply it to the eyelids for 10-12 minutes. Repeat it several times a day.

●  Massage of eyelids can help the oil duct to drain effectively.

1. Avoid using false eyelashes. 2. Avoid wearing contact lenses.

3. Maintain hygiene, wash hands before touching the eyes. 4. Wash your face at night to remove the dirt and makeup.

Homeopathy medicines:

Silicea: Silicea is one of the best homeopathy medicines to treat the lump of eyelids. Silicea helps in draining out of oil accumulation in the eyelids. Aversion to daylight with sharp pain in the eyes.

Staphysagria: staphysagria is well indicated for chalazion with a history of recurrent stye. Nodes on eyelids. It doesn’t suppurate and break but remains as a hard nodule. Dryness of the eyelids. Burning pain in the eyeballs. Hot lachrymation. Itching at the margin of the eyelids.

Conium: it is deep acting constitutional medicine having profound action on the nervous system. It has marked results on chalazion and styes have a tendency to become stony hard over a period of time. Recurrent attack of styes and chalazion. Swollen lids with dryness. It is indicated where complaints have been chronic or long-standing.

Calc fluoricum: it is well indicated for the treatment of chalazion. Swelling and induration of the eyes.

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