Cellulitis is the bacterial infection in the deeper layer of the skin i.e. dermis and subcutaneous layer. Cellulitis mainly affects the skin of lower legs.

Causes :

Cellulitis occurs when bacteria’s most common are streptococcus and staphylococcus enters into deeper layers of the skin through cracks or tears of skin. It can occur anywhere in the body but mostly affects the lower legs.

  • Trauma to infection can cause infection.
  • Recent surgery or cuts can cause cellulitis.
  • Puncture wound.
  • Eczema and psoriasis from a prolonged period of time.
  • Diabetes.
  • Animal bites can cause cellulitis, where bacteria’s can enter the skin.

Risk Factors of Cellulitis :

  • Weak immune system.
  • Diabetic patients are more prone to suffer from cellulitis due to reduced blood supply to the feet.
  • Poor control of blood glucose level, bacteria’s grow more rapidly in the affected tissues.
  • Diseases already present like tinea pedis or swelling in the legs , eczema, and psoriasis can cause cellulitis.
  • In obese people cellulitis occurs easily due to poor blood supply.
  • During pregnancy, cellulitis can occur due to fluid retention or poor circulation in the legs.
  • Radiation therapy or chemotherapy for cancer, AIDS, etc. suppress the immune system of the body.

Signs and symptoms:

  • Cellulitis can occur in any part of the body but mostly affects legs.
  • Redness of the skin with swelling and pain.
  • Tenderness.
  • Hot and burning sensation of the skin.
  • Fever.
  • Red blisters can appear.
  • Redness and tenderness spread gradually to near the part of the affected skin.
  • Swollen lymph nodes can occur.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased pain.


  • Blood test: To determine the presence of bacteria’s into the bloodstream.
  • Culture of the affected part of the skin to determine the type of bacteria.
  • X-ray if a deep wound has exposed the bone.

Management :

  • Do rest Maintain hygiene after surgery and clean wounds thoroughly.
  • Elevate the limbs if legs are affected, to ease the pain and swelling.
  • Antibiotic treatment should be taken if infection is severe.
  • Proper treatment should be taken for: Frostbite
  • Burns.
    Animal bites.
    Deeper wound with dirt in them.
    Diabetes or kidney disease.
    Swelling in arms and feet that don’t go away.

Homeopathy management :

Belladonna: Belladonna is well marked in cellulitis where the skin is red or inflamed. Pain and tenderness and aggravated by touch. Dryness of affected part.

Apis mellifica: it is given in cellulitis where edema occurs in the affected part with burning stinging pain. It is mainly given where cellulitis has caused by the honey bee sting. The affected part is red and swollen with pain in touch.

Silicea: silicea is very good medicine that can be given in advanced stage of cellulitis. Where blebs appears under skin that may contained puss . fever may occur .

Echinaecia: it is well marked where cellulitis occurs due to bacterial infection. It boostup the immunity and prevents further spread of infection.

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