

Acute inflammation of the meninges is called meningitis. Meninges are the
outer protective layer of the brain and spinal cord that get inflamed.

Meningitis is caused by viral or bacterial infection.
The most common form is viral meningitis which is less severe than bacterial

Bacterial meningitis is not common, it is a rare condition but that can be

It can occur at any age.

Bacterial meningitis mainly affects children and young people between the
age of 15-25.

Viral meningitis mainly affects young adults.

Causes and risk factors: 
1. Viruses:

Different viruses can cause meningitis.

Most common are enterovirus and coxsackievirus that can cause throat pain
and diarrhea.

Viral meningitis mainly occurs during the summer.

2. Bacterias:

Bacterial meningitis is a very rare condition.

Newborn babies or 3-month-old babies are mainly affected by group B
streptococci. Bacterias can transmit from the mother to the baby during delivery.

  •  The infection is mainly caused by Neisseria
    meningitidis (meningococcal) which affects mainly children or teenagers.
  •  Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus
    pneumonia with serotypes 6,9,14 and 23 are the main causes of meningitis in adults.
  • Fungal: Fungal meningitis mainly affects the age
    people with immunosuppressive disease like AIDS and having certain medications
    like NSAID can cause

3. Endocarditis can be the reason for meningitis, where
bacterias from the heart valve travel to the brain via the bloodstream.

4. Trauma: bacteria enter the brain.

5. Skull fracture

6. People with weakened immune systems or pre-existing illnesses like HIV or
having chemotherapy are at higher risk of getting an infection. Ear infections
like otitis media and mastoiditis may result in meningitis.

7. People with a history of tuberculosis are at higher risk of meningitis.

Meningitis  Homeopathy medicines  and treatment


  1.  Drowsiness
  2.  Seizures
  3.  Severe headache
  4.  Meningococcal rashes over skin
  5.  Altered mental status.
  6.  Cold extremities
  7.  Leg pain
  8.  Fever
  9. Stiffness of neck
  10. Positive kernig’s sign
  11. Photophobia
  12. Diarrhea
  13. Nausea and vomiting

Signs in new-born:

  •   High fever
  • Babies cry day and night
  • Irritable
  • Poor appetite 
  • Swelling of the upper part of the headache
  • Vomiting
  • Stiffness and pain of the neck

  Spinal tap to diagnose meningitis   CT scan and MRI
  Blood tests like:

1. C-reactive protein
2. Complete blood count 3. Blood culture


Viral meningitis usually takes 1-2 weeks or it may take weeks to a month to
get a complete cure. But proper treatment should be taken or it can be fatal.

Meningitis  Homeopathy  treatment in 247homeopathy clinic

Homeopathy medicines:

  Belladonna:
belladonna is well indicated for the early stage of meningitis. Cerebral
irritation is marked by severe pain in the head. Babies are sleepy and crying
out in sleep. fever with redness of the face or flushed face. Palpitation with
increased heat of the body.

  Cicuta:
cicuta can be given in the initial stage of meningitis where convulsion occurs
with unconsciousness. Twitching of fingers and hands. The Head is drawn back
with the stiffness of the neck. Jerking and twitching of body parts.

  Apis mellifica:
Apis is well indicated for meningitis with delirium and drowsiness. It helps in
reducing the swelling of the meninges. Confusion and dullness are present. Pain
in the backside of the head. Diplopia and difficulty in vision are also there.
It acts well on meningitis with hydrocephalus.

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