Gout is also known as gouty arthritis. It is a common type of arthritis that mainly affects the metatarsophalangeal joint. The onset of pain and swelling is sudden with the stiffness of the joint.
It is mainly caused by hyperuricemia (increased level of uric acid). When uric acid levels increase in the body, sharp crystals form in the big toe or other small joints that cause pain and swelling of the affected joint.
It affects mainly males as compared to females. But females after menopause are at higher risk to get affected by this.
Risk factors of Gout
- Males in earlier age groups.
- Females after menopause
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Family history of gout
- Kidney disease
- High blood pressure
- High protein intake
- Alcohol intake
- Taking diuretics
What Causes Gout:
1. Hyperuricemia: Uric acid gets easily dissolved in the blood and excreted out via the kidney, but an increased level of uric acid forms crystals in the tissue that causes pain and swelling of the joints.
2. Dietary factors: Alcohol consumption, sugar or sweetened beverages, meat or seafood are rich in purines, higher levels of purines cause excessive secretion of uric acid which causes crystal deposits in the tissues of the body.
3. Genetic factors: family history of gout can be the reason for gout.
4. Health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, nephropathy, etc. can cause hyperuricemia.
5. Chronic exposure to lead can cause hyperuricemia.
6. Certain medications like diuretics and drugs that contain salicylates can cause gout.
Symptoms of Gout:
1. Crystals deposition in the joint causes severe pain and swelling of the affected part.
2. Affected joints become painful, red, tender, hot, and swollen.
3. The shiny appearance of the skin of the affected part.
4. Sudden onset of pain and swelling mainly occurs in the big toe.
5. Pain and swelling last for 7-8 days and then disappear for a longer time.
6. Urate crystals can be deposited out the joint that is visible under the skin, forming small lumps called tophi.
1. Blood test: increased level of the urate is the indication for gout.
2. Imaging tests like ultrasound and CT scans are helpful in seeing the early stage of gout.
3. Synovial fluid examination to see the urate crystals in the joints.
4. Physical examination: during inspection the affected joint can be inflamed and swollen with tophi.
• Avoid alcohol and sweet beverages.
• Drink plenty of fluids.
• Avoid excessive intake of meat, seafood, pulses, etc.
• Maintain body weight.
• Take proper rest.
• Elevate the joints while sleeping.
• Apply ice packs on the affected joints.
• Limit the intake of dairy products.
Homeopathy medicines for Gout from 24/7 Homeopathy Doctors:
1. Benzoic acid: it is a well-indicated medicine for gout of the knee or big toe. It has good results in acute rheumatism and gout. Stitching and tearing type of pain in the affected part with stiffness and lameness of the joints. The urine is offensive and dark yellow-colored. Symptoms get aggravated by uncovering the affected part.
2. Berberis Vulgaris: it is well indicated for gout and tendency to develop kidney stones. Sudden onset of pain in the affected parts and get worsen while waking. There is a radiating type of pain.
3. Uricum Acidum: it is marked in gouty condition. It helps in the elimination of the urate crystals that are deposited in the joints. It also can be given in gouty eczema. It relieves pain and swelling in the joints and treats discoloration of the urine with an offensive smell.
4. Urtica urens: it is well-marked medicine for the uric acid diathesis. Acute pain mainly occurs in the deltoid region due to urate deposition in the joint. Stitching type of pain in the ankle and wrists. Rheumatism alternates with rashes.
Symptoms return at the same time every year.