Borderline Personality Disorder
Introduction its also called emotional dysregulation disorder according to its name clearly indicate mental health, patient may have experiance with impulsive behaviour, worthlessness felling, nervous excitement etc. the exact pathology behind this is unknown it develop gradually or sudden grief, bad news shock etc
Causes of BPD
Exact cause is unknown but some causes are there like continuous stress,mental grief, actualy its post traumatic stress disorder , tremandous bad news effect , family disturbances etc
Sign and symptoms
It include emotional instability
insecurity of mind
impulsive behaviour,
People may also experience with mental conflicts that worse the condition, anxiety, self destructive behaviour,
Self harm,
Destroyed self image,
Mental instability,
Sudden mood change,
anxiety ,melancholic,sad,
Impulsive behaviour,
Impaired social relationship
Not properly balance personal or professionally relationshi
Homoeopathioc ,management in BPD
In homoeopathy we have such a gread one remedies for the bpd that can help the patients to cure the mental disorder and to help the patient to stay in mental calmness .
Natrum mur: to help reduce mental symptoms like depression, anxiety,sad mood hasty , anger, fright ,wants to be alone, cry tear with laughter.
Ignatia: good remedy for changeable mood, introspective,melancholic, sad, tearful,not communicative, disappointment .
Pulsatilla: weeps easily, timid, irresolute,
Fears in the evening of being alone,
Easily discouraged, morbid dread of opposite sex,
Religious melancholy,
Highly emotional,
Iodium anxiety when quiet, depression ,
No reference to future,
Sudden impulsive to run to get violent
Shuns every one ,
Melancholic, sucidal tendency,
Sepia: indifferent ot those loved best,
averse to occupation to family.
Irritable, easily offended.
Dreads to be alone,
Miserly, indolent
Lycopodium melancholic, afraid to be alone,
Extremely sensitive,
Loss of self confidence,
Hurried when eating,
Constant fear of breaking down under stress,
Weak memory , confused thoughts,
Failing brain power,