Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is also known as hay fever. In allergic rhinitis inflammation /swelling occurs inside the nose or mucus
membrane of the nose due to allergic reaction from allergens like dust particles, pollen grain, pets etc.

Causes of allergic rhinitis 

1. Allergic rhinitis occurs when the immune system of the body overreacts against the allergen present in the air and causes swelling inside the nose to remove the allergen from the body by increasing mucus secretion.
2. Some people do not react to the allergen but in some cases, the immune system overreacts and releases the histamine in circulation to prevent the body.
3. Dust, mites that live in carpet or furniture, pollen grains, cockroaches with their saliva and waste are most commonly causing allergy to people. 


1. IGE mediated (allergic): a most common chronic condition where exposure to certain allergen causes increased production of IGE in the nasal mucosa and causes symptoms.
2. Autonomic: it is drug-induced, prolonged use of certain medication can cause rhinitis. It is non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilia syndrome.

3. Infectious: it is caused by a viral bacterial or fungal infection.
4. Idiopathic: etiology can not be defined. Classification of rhinitis :
a) Seasonal (occurs during a specific season)
b) Perennial (occurs throughout the years)

Classification According to Symptoms Duration

1. Intermittent: symptoms present less than 4 days a week.
2. Persistent: symptoms last for 4 consecutive weeks.

Classification According to Severity 

1. Mild :

Normal sleep.
Normal daily activities.

Nothing bothersome symptoms.

2. Moderate -severe:

Disturbed sleep
Impairment of daily activity.
Problems at work and school.


1. Sneezing.
2. Rhinorrhea.
3. Nasal congestion.
4. Itching on the nose, mouth and eyes.

5. Red watery eyes.
6. Cough.
7. Dark circles under the eyes.


1. Avoid particular allergens that may have caused problems before.
2. Avoid pets.
3. Maintain hygiene.
4. Avoid smoking.
5. Avoid sun exposure.
6. Make a list of what food and what things trigger the problems.

Homoeopathy Treatment 

1. Allium cepa: allium cepa is well marked in nasal catarrh. Discharge is acrid and corrosive causing burning stitching pain in the nose and upper lips. Watery discharge from eyes with redness and irritation of the eyes. Eyes are sensitive to light and sneezing when entering the warm room.

2. Dulcamara: dulcamara is good medicine for constant sneezing with nasal discharge. Watery discharge from nose and eyes. Aggravates during change of weather. Stoppage of the nose with headache.

3. Kali bichromicum: it is well marked where discharge from the nose is thick and of yellow colour. Discharge is stringy and difficult to expel out. Dryness of nose with fullness.

4. Sabadilla : it is well marked in the frequent attack of sneezing with itching and tingling sensation. The discharge is watery. Dryness of mouth but desire to
drink water.

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