ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) Overview

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Homeopathy Treatment is a brain disorder in which a person is impulsive and impatient with a lack of attention and makes many mistakes while performing a task.

It mainly occurs in children and can affect adults but rarely.

Even symptoms start getting better after teenagers but they can continue into adulthood.

ADHD Causes:

1. Genetic factors.

2. Environmental factors such as lead poisoning or toxins etc.

3. Smoking and drug addiction.

4. Brain injury.

5. History of smoking in mothers during pregnancy.

6. Premature birth.

7. An imbalance in the neurotransmitter level or chemical level of the brain may cause ADHD.


1. Difficulty in paying attention, easily distracted.

2. Unable to perform tasks especially those that require mental efforts.

3. Hyperactive / restlessness, can not sit still while in class.

4. Fidgety legs.

5. Forgetfulness / weak memory

6. Lack of concentration while studying.

7 Easily get angry.

8. Talkative.

9. Can not wait for his/her turn.

10. Interrupts others while talking.

Types of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:

1. Inattentive.

2. Hyper activeness.

3. Combined inattentive and hyper activeness.

1. Inattentive:

Difficulty in concentration and unable to complete a task.

Difficulty in organizing daily activities. Makes careless mistakes due to lack of attention.

2. Hyper activeness:

A person with ADHD has difficulty sitting quietly.

Make decisions without thinking.

Restlessness and fidgety of legs or continue tapping of hands and fingers.


3. Combined inattentive and hyper activeness:

In this type, a person is inattentive and hyperactive.

Diagnosis: A detailed examination as a mental or physical examination should be done properly.

• Inattentiveness or impulsiveness persists for more than 6 months that affect day to day activity.

• A physician will ask several questions to parents, relatives, friends about the patient’s behavior at home, school, or at work to confirm the diagnosis.


• A child should be taught how to monitor their behavior and react according to it.

• Make a day-to-day activity chart for a child and make him/her follow the same routine every day.

• Appreciate a child when he completes his/her task.

• Do not criticize a child.

• boost self-confidence of a child.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Homeopathy treatment:

1. Aethusa cynapium is mainly indicated in children with difficult concentration. Inability to think and restlessness of mind.

2. Tarentula Hispania: a person is extremely restless. Can not sit quietly in one place for a minute.

3. Bacopa: Bacopa is useful in ADHD. in which a person is hyperactive, inattentive, and lacks concentration.

4. Anacardium: Anacardium is indicated where a person has forgetfulness, impaired memory and absent mindedness.

5. This person gets easily offended by a small thing.

6. Lack of confidence is marked.

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