

Bedwetting is the most common problem in children, in which it
is difficult to control urine while asleep at night.
Bedwetting is normal in many cases especially in children but it
can be a symptom of illness in adults.
The condition is not diagnosed till 5 years of age.
Causes of bedwetting :
In children: it can be stress, fear or insecurity, ADHD. In young
children, the birth of siblings, moving to a new place or any
change in routine can cause enuresis.
Small bladder size.
Hormonal imbalance: the decreased level of antidiuretic
hormone (ADH) may cause increased production of urine
overnight and the bladder is unable to hold urine.
Urinary tract infection.
Behaviour disorder or emotional disorders such as anxiety.
If a child’s parents had a history of enuresis that would also
cause bedwetting in children.
Alcohol consumption can cause enuresis.
Constipation can cause enuresis.

Symptoms :
Voiding of urine during sleep at night.
Bedwetting occurs at least 2 times a week for 3 consecutive

Classifications :

Primary enuresis: children who were never trained to control
Secondary enuresis: children who trained successfully to
control urination for at least 6 months but revert to wetting in
stressful situations.

There are two categories :
Monosymptomatic enuresis (MNE): bladder does not cause
problems during the daytime.
Nonmonosymptomatic enuresis (NMNE): causing bladder
dysfunction during the daytime also called diurnal enuresis.

physical examination to rule out any medical illness.
Urinalysis and blood test to see glucose level, hormones, and
kidney function test and UTI
Developmental behaviour disorder must be checked.

Behavioural therapy :
Limit fluid intake at night.
Training the bladder to hold urine.
Using an alarm when the bed gets wet can help the child to
learn to respond to bladder sensations at night.

Homoeopathy management:
Argentum nitricum: This medicine is well indicated for enuresis
with loss of vascular control of the bladder. Urine passes
unconsciously while asleep, whether it’s day or night.
Cuasticum: causticum is given when there is involuntary
urination in children and aged people during sleep.

Sepia: Sepia is well marked in the enuresis of young girls
during first sleep. It has marked results in enuresis with
offensive urine.

Lac can: it has given good results in nocturnal enuresis. In
which the patient is having a dream about urinating and passes
urine unconsciously.

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