Gout is defined as a pain and inflammation that occurs when excessive  uric acid crystallisesand deposits in the joints. It is a common form of arthritis which can affect any human being. It is characterised bysudden severe attack of inflammation and tenderness in one or more joints, most likely  in thebig toe. It can occur suddenly, often waking  up in…


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and a number of people all over theworld are suffering from this.  It happens when the protective cartilage that helps toprotect the ends of the bones wears down over time. Although osteoarthritis  can damage any joint. Osteoarthritis most commonly affects joints of the hand, knee, hips and spine. The symptoms can usually…

Increased Uric acid

In the body, uric acid is a waste product. Uric acid can set up in the joints and tissues,causing a range of health issues. It includes gout, a form of arthritis. NORMAL URIC ACID LEVEL:-Presence of uric acid in the blood is normal. However, if uric acid levels go high or low in a healthy range, this can result in…

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is very common in human beings. It can be due to a strain or injury tomuscle or tendons in the back. The reasons for low pain include arthritis,structural problems and  disk traumas or disk injuries. Pain gets better with rest,physical therapy and medication. It  reduces the risk of pain by maintaining ahealthy weight and keeping yourself active….


Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerves carry impulses between nerveroots in the lower back and the muscles and nerve of the buttocks, thighs and lower legs.Sciatica is a pain in the lower back of the body due to compression or injury of the sciatic nerve.The pain of sciatica is felt from the lower back…