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Acute myeloid leukemia is a type of leukemia which affects the blood and bone marrow. It is found in both children and adults. It mainly affects the myeloid cells that give rise to RBCs, WBCs, and platelets. CAUSES:- the exact…

Basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that affects the basal cells. Basal cells produce new skin cells and are responsible for growth and repair of skin. When basal cells become damaged by prolonged exposure to the sun’s…

Bile duct cancer also called cholangiocarcinoma. It is a rare form of cancer that originates in the bile ducts (which are small tubes that transport bile from the liver to the small intestine). Bile duct cancer can occur anywhere along…

Bladder is the hollow muscular organ that located in the lower part of the abdomen that stores urine. Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells ( urothelial cells) lining the bladder. Urothelial cells are also…

Abnormal growth of cells within the bone tissue is called bone tumour OR BONE CANCER. It can be benign (non cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Benign tumour do not spread to other parts of body while malignant cancer spread to other…

A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells that develop in the brain. These tumors can be benign or malignant. It can occur any part of brain or spinal cord. TYPES: - the brain tumor classified into…

Burkitt lymphoma is a non-Hodgkin B- cell lymphoma. It is the cancer of lymphatic system. It is a rapid growing tumor that can appear in different parts of body such as bone marrow, lymph nodes and other organs. TYPES:-  the…

CHRONIC MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA is also called chronic myeloid leukemia. It is a type of leukemia in which overproduction of WBCs in the bone marrow occurs. It is similar to AML. But progress is slower than acute leukemia. CAUSES:-  it is…

Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are a group of rare, chronic blood disorders. MPN mainly affects the ability of bone marrow to produce normal blood cells. In this excessive production of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.  Myeloproliferative means abnormal…

Endometrial cancer is defined as the malignant growth of cells in the inner lining of tissue of the uterus. Inner lining of the uterus is called endometrium. It is most common cancer in females mainly in postmenopausal women. CAUSES AND…

 Ependymal cells present in brain which line the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord. Ependymoma is a type of tumor that can form in the brain or spinal cord (any ventricle of the brain).…

Esophagus is the tube like structure which connects the throat to stomach. Any malignant growth of cells in the esophagus is called esophageal cancer. Two types of esophageal carcinoma:- Adenocarcinoma: - this type of cells arises in the lower part…

It is an uncommon type of cancer which develops in the upper par of nasal cavity. It can affect the sense of smell of person. CAUSES: - the exact cause is unknown. It is mainly related to genetic mutations and…

Ewing sarcoma is a type of malignant tumour. It is a rare type of tumour that affects children and young adults and commonly include the pelvis, thigh, chest wall, ribs and upper arms. CAUSES:-  the exact cause is unknown.  Any…

Extra cranial germ cells tumor is a rare type of tumor and forms from the germ cells. Germ cells are responsible for producing eggs in females and sperms in males. TYPES: - the type of extra cranial germ cells tumor…

Extra gonadal germ cell tumors are rare type of tumor that also arise from germ cells just like extra cranial germ cell tumor. Generally, germ cell tumor present within the gonads (testis & ovaries) but sometimes it is present outside…

Intraocular melanoma is the rare type of cancer of cells of eye. Melanin gives color to the eyes and helps to protect it from UV rays. When there is uncontrolled growth occur is melanocytes they can form a tumor called…

LANGERHANS CELL HISTOCYTOSIS is a rare disorder that characterized by the abnormal proliferation and accumulation of Langerhans cell. It is a type of WBC. LANGERHANS CELL HISTOCYTOSIS TYPES:- EOSINOPHILIC GRANULOMA: - it involves the bones. HAND SCHULLER CHRISTIAN DISEASE: -…

Laryngeal cancer is a cancer of larynx. It is a type of cancer that arises in the cells of larynx. Larynx is also called voice box. It is one of the types of head and neck cancer. LARYNGEAL CANCER CAUSES…

Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow and blood forming cells and lymphatic system. It is found In both children and adults. In this uncontrolled production of abnormal white blood cells occurs. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL):-…

Lip and oral cavity cancer refers to the formation of cancerous cells in the tissues of lip and oral cavity. In oral cavity many things are include such as mouth, tongue, palate, gums and inner lining of the cheeks. TYPES:- …

Liver cancer or hepatic cancer arise when there is abnormal growth in anywhere in the cells of the liver. It is a serious condition of the liver. Your well-being is our priority. Begin your journey to health and vitality with…

Lung cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the lungs. It occurs when abnormal cells in the lungs grow and multiply uncontrollably and forming a tumor. Lung cancer can spread to other parts of the body through lymphatic…

Lymphoma is a type of cancer that develop in lymphatic system. lymphatic  system is important part of immune system of body. in lymphatic system, lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, spleen, bone marrow and thymus are included. It develops when some cells…

It refers to formation of cancer in the breast of men. But it is very rare cancer. It is similar to female breast cancer that cancerous cells develop un the breast of male. CAUSES:- the exact cause is unknown. But…

It is a type of squamous cell carcinoma in which cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes of neck. But primary source of cancer is unidentified. NECK CANCER CAUSES: - the exact cause is unknown. The main cause is…

melanocytes are the cells that are present in skin. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer when forms in the melanocytes cells. Melanocytes are responsible for producing the pigment melanin which gives color to the skin, hairs and eyes. Growing…

It is a rare type of skin cancer. The cells of skin which are responsible for the sensation of touch are called merkel cells. Any abnormal growth in the merkel cells lead to the cancer. Merkel cells carcinoma mainly present…

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer which firstly affects the lining of lungs. But it can also occur in the lining of the abdomen, heart, liver and other organs. TYPES: - there are many types of mesothelioma:--  Pleural mesothelioma:…

Metastatic cancer is also called 4th stage cancer. The cancer that spreads from its original site to other parts of the body is called metastatic cancer. It is an advanced stage of cancer. The cancer begins when abnormal cells start…

MIDLINE TRACT CARCINOMA WITH NUT GENE CHANGES is also known as nut carcinoma. This rare and aggressive type of cancer primarily affects the midline structure of the body. The nut gene (nuclear protein in testis) is situated on chromosome 15q14.…

Mouth cancer is also called as oral cancer. Mouth cancer is abnormal growth of cells in the oral cavity or mouth. It comes under head and neck cancer. It affects many parts of mouth such as tongue, lips, gums, lining…

INTRODUCTION: - multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN):- it is a group of inherited disorder which mainly affects the endocrine system. Endocrine system regulates many hormones in the body. TYPES AND CAUSES OF MULTIPLE ENDOCRINE NEOPLASIA SYNDROMES: - there are many types…

This rare type of cancer mainly affects the skin. It originates from cutaneous T lymphoma (CTCLs) which are the cancer that belongs to T cells which is a type of WBCs. In short, mycosis fungoid is characterized by the abnormal…

In retinoblastoma, cancerous cells develop in the retina of the eye. It is a rare type of tumor which mainly develops in childhood mainly under the age of five. Two types of Retinoblastoma:- Hereditary retinoblastoma:- it is a type of…

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is also known by acute lymphocytic leukemia and acute lymphoid leukemia It happens when body makes too many of immature white blood cell, in your bone marrow. In acute lymphoblastic leukemia the immature form of B,…

Adrenocortical is a carcinoma of adrenal gland in which outer layer of adrenal layer i.e cortex start growing and form tumor growth there There are two adrenal glands one located at each side above the kidney. The outer layer function…

AIDS RELATED CANCER-There are some cancer types which , mostly affects people suffering from human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV) KAPOSI SARCOMA  It is a cancer that affects the lining of t blood and lymphatic’s vessels of different part of body…

Anal Cancer- When cells of anal canal start growing abnormally, Anus is an opening at the end of the rectum. It is an uncommon cancer, mostly in male it seen in age above 35 years and in females above 60…

APPENDIX CANCER (Gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumor) is a rare kind of tumor develops in mesenchymal cell of gastrointerstinal tract. The most common site of tumor is small intestine but can also seen in other area of GIT  tract i.e. Stomach, colon,…

Astrocytomas also known as astrogilla is a type of cell presents in brain and spinal cord it perform many functions in CNS When tumor start growing in these cells is called Astrocytomas Astrocytomas mainly develop in brain but can also…

It is ATYPICAL tumor of C.N.S. It located anywhere in spinal cord and brain stem. It mostly seen in children of age group 3 and younger, but it can also occur in adult  It is very rare, but very fast…

When cancer spread to body but physician not able to identify primary site of cancer, its called cancer of unknown primary. Mostly cancer which spread to other part or metastasis to other organs known as secondary cancer and the site…

Cervix is the lower part of uterus, which connect body of uterus to vagina. When the cell of cervix lining become malignant and grown abnormally is called cervical cancer Most common in females over age 30 CERVICAL CANCER CAUSE:   Mostly…

Cancer in children can occur in any part of the body ie. blood, lymphnode,spinal cord, kidney other orgon. Cancer in childhood is uncommon.  Cancer happen when normal healthy cell become unheathy and start growing abnormally in any tissue or orgon…

Cardiac tumors are neoplasm grow in inner lining, muscle layer or pericardium surrounding the heart. Cardiac tumors are either benign or malignant in nature Cardiac tumors are rarely primary tumors which means begins in cardiac region but mostly cardiac tumors…

Cancer of bile duct called cholangiocarcinoma Bile duct is a slendrical tube that connects liver, gallbladder and duodenum. If contain bile a digestive fluid. When cell of bile duct get cancerous and grow abnormally it called cholangiocarcinoma  It’s a very…

Chordomas are a very rare type of cancer in children. It’s a slow growing cancer of the spine. It can develop anywhere in the spine but commonly found in the skull base. CHORDOMAS CAUSE:     Exact cause of chordomas is not…

It is type of cancer in which bone marrow make too many lymphocytes. lymphocytes are type of W.B.C present in blood, its play important role in body immune system.  Lymphocytic leukemia are most common type of leukemia in adult. It…

Colorectal cancer is a cancer of large intestine  Colon is a final part of large intestine connected with rectum, sometime both colon and rectum involved. It’s usually begun as benign growth called polyp but overtime these polyp become cancers. Colon…

It is rare, benign brain tumor  It develop mainly near pitutary gland and hypothalmus  It is slow growing tumor and don't spread to other part of brain Craniopharyngioma are most commonly found in children between age group 5 and 14.…

It is rare type of cancer develop in T-lymphocyte cell.T-lymphocyte cell. T lymphocyte are type of white blood cell, these cell are part of immune system When T- lymphocytes cell become cancerous , the cell start growing abnormally and these…

Abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cell in brain form embryonal tumors. These growth involves cells that left over while fetal development happens in the womb, these remaining enbroyonal cell are harmless until it become cancerous called as embroyal cell It is…

Medulloblastoma is a very common brain tumor in children. it arise in cerebellum. it is a part of brain located in base of skull Age group - 5-9 are more higher at risk  to get affected with this tumor.In age…

Germ cell are type of cell which present during fetus development later these cell becomes sperms and egg in testis and ovaries respectively. But sometime these cells become cancerous and start growing abnormally, outside brain and form extra-cranial germ cell…

When germ cell in body become cancerous and start grown abnormally other than gonads germ cell called as extragonadal germ cell Extra gonadal germ cell tumors include: ---Brain (pineal gland)  --- Media sternum  --- Retro peritoneum Extra gonadal germ cell tumor can…

It is a rare type of cancer begin in the fallopian tube. In fallopian tube cancer, cell of lining the fallopian tube start growing abnormally and form tumor there. CAUSES OF FALLOPIAN TUBE CANCER:  Exact cause of fallopian cancer is…

When cell of gallbladder become cancerous and start growing out of control it is called gallbladder cancer. Gall bladder is a small pouch below liver in right side of abdomen. its function is to store bile When healthy cell of…

When normal healthy cell in inner lining of stomach become malignant and start growing out of control inside stomach is called as gastric cancer It is also called stomach cancer It is very common cancer GASTRIC CANCER CAUSE:  Mutation or…

When cell of gastrointestinal tract mainly of stomach and small interstine start grown abnormally and form tumor there. The cell involves in this types of tumors  are specialized cellfound in GIT i.e interstitial cell of cajal Gastrointestinal tumor mainly affect…

Germ cell tumor occurs when abnormal growth start in the germ cell found in the brain. This tumor mostly occur in area above pituitary gland or in the pineal region of brain  Germ cell in later fetal period becomes sperm…

It is a type of cancer, in which tumors start developing in cell that normally develop into placenta during pregnancy.  The cancer is rare type occur during pregnancy or after pregnancy  Gestational Trophoblastic Disease can be benign or malignant. Type:-…

It is cancer of white blood cell in which B lymphocyte a type of w.b.c start growing abnormally in the body. These cells look hairy under microscope so it’s called as hairy cell leukemia. It’s a slow growing cancer CAUSE…

Those cancers which develop in the mouth, nose, salivary gland, sinuses and throat are called Head and neck cancer. Mostly cancer of head and neck are squamous cell origin and affect mucous membrane of head and neck .i.e Nose, Throat,…

It is disorder in which abnormal increase in certain type of white blood cell called histocyte cell. These cell help in destroying foreign material and fight infection Extra or abnormal production of histocyte cell form tumors in different part of…

When B lymphocytes start growing abnormally and collect in lymph nodes is called Hodgkin lymphoma. Lymph node is a part of lymphatic system. It is uncommon cancer The lymphocytes lots its infection fighting properties and person become more prone to…

Hypo pharynx is lowest section of pharynx. When mucus membrane of hypo pharynx become cancerous and starts growing abnormally is called hypo pharyngeal cancer. It is uncommon type of head, neck, and throat cancer. CAUSES OF HYPOPHARYNGEAL CANCER:     There is…

It is rare type of cancer develop in middle layer of eyes. In intraocular melanoma the melanocyte cell of eye, which give color to our eyes start growing abnormally. Intraocular melanoma is also known as Uveal melonoma or occular melanoma.…

Islet cell are endocrine cell present in pancreas, these cell secrete insulin which help which help in in controlling sugar level in blood. When islet cell start growing abnormally it called islet cell tumor It is rare type of cancer…

Kaposi sarcoma is a type of cancer which develop in lining of soft tissues of the body mainly blood and lymph vessels. It appear as lesions or tumors on skin, mouth, these tumors can also develop in other soft tissue,…

When kidney cell start growing abnormally and form lump or mass in kidney is known as kidney cancer.  It can be occur in one kidney or involve both kidneys. This mass or growth in kidney can be benign or malignant…

Nasal cavity and paranasal sinus cancer are major type of head and neck cancer. It occurs when epithelial cell of nasal cavity and paranasal sinus become cancerous and grows abnormally. These cancers develop in any sinuses but usually begin in…

Nasopharyngeal cancer is upper part of throat behind the nose. When the lining cell of nasopharynx become cancerous and grows out of control is called nasopharyngeal cancer. CAUSE of NASOPHARYNGEAL CANCER:   Exact cause is not known but certain risk factors…

Neuroblastoma is tumor that form in immature cell, It can occur anywhere in body where these cell found but commonly begin in tissues of adrenal gland It mainly affects infants and children but sometime it affects teen and adult too.…

When abnormal growth of lymphocytes occur in lymphatic system lead to non Hodgkin lymphoma Lymphocytes are part of immune system. Which help in fight infection, but when these cells become cancerous and grow out of control inside lymph tissues from…

Non small cell lungs cancer is one of primary lungs cancer in which epithelial cell of lungs tissues become cancerous and start growing abnormally There are subtype of NSCLC according to type of cell includes:   These types are-         Adenocarcinoma - …

It is a type of head and neck cancer. Oropharyngeal cancer are of many type but most commonly oropharyngeal is start in squamous cell of oropharynx. When cell of oropharyngeal become cancerous it starts growing abnormally and form tumor there.…

Sarcoma is a cancer of connected tissues of body i.e., Bones, cartilages or muscles. Osteo indicate bones, so osteosarcoma means cancer of bones. it can occur in any bone of the body but it mainly involves long bones such as…

Ovaries are part of female’s reproductive system. It is an organ that contain eggs When cell of ovaries become cancer and start growing abnormally it’s called ovarian cancer. Ovaries are present in both side of the uterus, it connects with…

When germ cell of ovary start grown abnormally and from tumor in ovarian are called ovarian germ cell tumors  It mainly affects teen girls, younger women’s  Ovarian germ cell tumors are mainly benign in origin, malignant grow is rare  OVARIAN…

Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma is type of cancer that develop anywhere in body, it involves soft tissues of the body. Soft tissues are structures that connect, support and surround other body structures. It is rare kind of tumors mainly grow in…

When germ cell of testicles that develop into sperm get affected and start grown out of control is calledTesticular germ cell cancer. Mostly testicular cancers are germ cell cancer. It in tactical are divided as seminomas and non seminomas. What…

Ankylosing means ioints have become stuck together due to injury and disease.Spondylitis means inflammation of the spine. In ankylosing spondylitis, inflammation has caused damage to the spine (lower back) and they become stuck together which causes inflexibility / stiffness to…

Cervical spondylosis is a condition that causes deterioration of joints, vertebrae, disc, ligaments and cartilages in the cervical spine which is the neck region. It is a common medical condition and involves mostly aged people.Cervical spondylosis is also known as…

It is an autoimmune disease that can cause joint pain and damage throughout the body.Rheumatoid arthritis affects joints on both sides of the body, such as both wrists, hands, knees. This symmetry helps to set it apart from other types…

Knee pain is a pain in or around the knee. It is caused by a sudden injury, an overuse injury, or such conditions are arthritis.pain is a common complaint among adults and often associated with daily activities like walking, bending,…

The spinal cord consists of multiple blocks of bones called vertebral bodies. Slip Disc lies in betweenthe vertebral bodies.The disc contains jelly-like material that is surrounded by a fibrous ring.When the fibrous ring becomes diseased due to any injury or…

INTRODUCTION:- It is a common painful condition affecting the lower portion of the spine and mainlyaffects muscles, nerves and bones in the spinal area.Lumbago is caused by spinal degeneration and injury and strain to muscles or tendonsin the back. Lumbago SYMPTOMS:- …

INTRODUCTION:-  Tailbone pain is also called coccydynia.Coccydynia is pain in and around the small triangular bone at the very bottom of thespinal column, above the cleft of the buttocks. CAUSES:There are different  types of events that cause tailbone pain.EXTERNAL TRAUMA:-a…

Several nearby muscles, ligaments, and tendons as well as the shoulder joint itself can all cause shoulder pain. When an arm or shoulder is used or moved, pain in shoulder that originates from the joint typically gets worse. The most…

Wrist rheumatism is typically brought on by fractures or sprains from unexpectedtraumas. However, chronic issues like stress, arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome can alsocause wrist pain.Because of so many reasons, diagnosing the exact cause of wrist rheumatism  can bedifficult. But…

Small joint discomfort is commonly felt in the hands, feet, hips, knee and spine. Pain maygradually come and go. Occasionally  the joint feels stiff, achy and sore. patients complain of burning, throbbing or grating sensation. In addition, the joint may be…

Gout is defined as a pain and inflammation that occurs when excessive  uric acid crystallisesand deposits in the joints. It is a common form of arthritis which can affect any human being. It is characterised bysudden severe attack of inflammation…

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and a number of people all over theworld are suffering from this.  It happens when the protective cartilage that helps toprotect the ends of the bones wears down over time. Although osteoarthritis …

In the body, uric acid is a waste product. Uric acid can set up in the joints and tissues,causing a range of health issues. It includes gout, a form of arthritis. NORMAL URIC ACID LEVEL:-Presence of uric acid in the…

Lower back pain is very common in human beings. It can be due to a strain or injury tomuscle or tendons in the back. The reasons for low pain include arthritis,structural problems and  disk traumas or disk injuries. Pain gets…

Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerves carry impulses between nerveroots in the lower back and the muscles and nerve of the buttocks, thighs and lower legs.Sciatica is a pain in the lower back of…

Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis) is a rash caused by a fungal infection. It's usually an itchy circular rash with clear skin in the middle. Ringworm gets its name because of its appearance. No worm is involved. Ringworm of…

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) Overview Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Homeopathy Treatment is a brain disorder in which a person is impulsive and impatient with a lack of attention and makes many mistakes while performing a task. It mainly…

Gastro-oesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) Overview GERD is called an acid reflux disease, where stomach contents flow back to the food pipe and cause heartburn and tissues damaged by the food pipe. A food pipe (esophagus) is a tube that helps…

Fibroadenoma is a non-cancerous lump that occurs in the breast. It can occur in any age group. But mostly affects young women. Fibroadenoma has a round well-defined structure that can be hard and soft. it can be painful or painless.…

Egg allergy means when the body's immune system is hypersensitive to protein found in eggs and releases an excess amount of histamine in the body found in chick eggs and causes an allergic reaction. Onset of symptoms can be slow…

Dysuria is a medical term for painful urination. Symptoms of dysuria are burning pain or discomfort before, during and after passing urine. It mainly affects women more as compared to men. Dysuria mainly occurs due to urinary tract infections that…

Dyspareunia is a medical term for painful sexual intercourse. Recurrent pain in the genital and in the pelvis before, during, and after sexual intercourse is called dyspareunia. Dyspareunia can occur in both males and females but it more commonly affects…

Dyspnea means breathlessness or difficulty in breathing. Some people experience dyspnea during physical exertion like running or exercising and this is normal. Dyspnea while sitting, walking, or in light exertion is not normal and it can occur due to pathological…

Endometriosis is a painful condition in which endometrial cells are similar to the cells that normally line the uterus, growing outside of the uterus. Mostly in ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other parts of the body. Endometrium usually grows thickened and…

Esophageal Varices and Homeopathic Medicines Esophageal Varices are the abnormal and enlarged veins in the esophagus that ruptured or leak due to blockage, which connects the liver and esophagus. They are often due to obstruction in blood flow through the…

Ear discharge is also known as otorrhea. Any fluid that comes out from the ear is known as ear discharge and most of the time it is earwax. Ear wax is oil, which our body naturally produces to protect them…

Eye Dryness with Homeopathic Management Eye Dryness disease condition of the eyes, in which the tears are not able to provide adequate lubricant for your eyes. It can be due to many reasons e.g. Dry eye may occur if you…

Escherichia Coli Infection Overview Its gram-negative, facultative anaerobic rod-shaped, coliform bacteria of the genus escherichia, that are commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms. It's also called e coli. Most of the types of e coli are harmless…

Eye Floaters and Homeopathic Medicines Eye floaters are spots in your vision. It looks like a black spot or sometimes gray in color. It clearly appears on vision. Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes. It mostly occurs as…

Eczema also called atopic dermatitis. It is a condition wherein patches of skin become inflamed, cracked, itchy, and rough. Commonly seen in babies and young children, appearing on the face of infants. This can come in a variety of types…

Fatty liver occurs when too much fat builds up in liver cells. Heavy drinking, too much alcohol leads to a build-up of fat inside your liver cells, which makes it harder for the liver to work. But you can get…

A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms in the joint or over the tendon. It is not cancerous, it is benign. It contained a sticky clear fluid or colorless jelly-like material. This cys can be painful or painless.…

Gangrene means the death of the cells that is caused by infection or lack of blood circulation to the cells. It mainly occurs in the lower extremities and skin due to reduced blood flow. Your well-being is our priority. Begin…

Gastroparesis means partial paralysis of the muscles of the stomach caused by damaged nerves and muscles. In gastro paresis peristalsis movements of the stomach slows down and are unable to move down the food into the small intestines that affect…

Genital warts are also known as condyloma acuminatum. Warts are small non-cancerous growths that appear over the skin or mucous membrane. Genital warts are small bumpy growths that appear on the genital. It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by…

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that is caused by herpes simplex type 1 and herpes simplex type 2. The virus causes painful cold sores or fluid-filled blisters that ooze out the secretion. It mainly occurs in the buttocks,…

Inflammation of the tongue is called glossitis. The surface area of the tongue may get smooth and give a glossy appearance due to swelling and inflammation of the tongue. Glossitis is mainly caused by a lack of nutrition in diet,…

Giardiasis is the infection of the intestines that is caused by a parasite named giardia duodenalis Giardia is spread by contaminated food or water or due to poor sanitation of the place. Some people do not experience symptoms and some…

Goitre is the medical term for the enlarged thyroid gland. Abnormal expansion or growth of the thyroid gland is known as goitre. It commonly occurs due to iodine deficiency that causes inflammation of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland releases…

Golfer’s elbow is also known as medial epicondylitis in which the flexor-pronator tendon starts to degenerate due to overexertion of the arm and forearm that causes severe pain while bending the wrist inside of the elbow. Groups of muscles get…

Gonorrhoea is also known as the clap'. It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacterias Neisseria gonorrhoea. Infection can occur in the genitals, rectum, mouth and eyes.. Gonorrhea is spread through unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected person or…

Gout is also known as gouty arthritis. It is a common type of arthritis that mainly affects the metatarsophalangeal joint. The onset of pain and swelling is sudden with the stiffness of the joint. It is mainly caused by hyperuricemia…

Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system of the body attacks mistakenly on the thyroid gland that results in increased secretion of the T3 and T4 (thyroid hormones). Grave's disease affects the nervous system, metabolism rate…

Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a women's uterus. Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors. They are made up of the muscles and connective tissue from the wall of the uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and…

Urticaria is also known as hives. It is a kind of skin rash with red, raised, itchy bumps.It is also known as urticaria, nettle rash, or hives. It is not contagious. Hives usually cause itching, but may also sting or…

 Typhoid fever is an infection that spreads through contaminated food and water.It is a bacterial infection due to a specific type of Salmonella enterica, and Salmonella typhi. That can lead to a high fever, diarrhea, and vomiting. Bacteria enter through…

Trigger finger is known as stenosing tenosynovitis. Painful Inflammation of the tendons. It is a painful condition that affects any finger or more than one finger at a time. More common in adults. It is a condition in which one…

Trigeminal neuralgia is a painful, or chronic condition involving the trigeminal nerve. Severe pain on one side of the face due to compression, inflammation, or damage to the trigeminal nerve. More common over the age of 50. It is characterized…

Tremor is caused by alternating adversary muscle contraction and produces a rhythmical oscillation of the body part affected. It is an uncontrollable movement of one part or one limb of the body. It can occur at any part of the…

Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that begins in childhood and adolescence. Tourette is a more severe end of a spectrum of tics disorder. It causes repeated, involuntary physical movements and vocal outbursts. It is characterized by multiple Involuntary movements…

Toothache is a pain in and around a tooth. Minor toothache can come from a temporary gum irritation.Toothache can be caused by anything from a gum irritation to a broken tooth or a bacterial infection. The pulp inside your tooth…

Tonsil surgery in medical terms is known as tonsillectomy. It is a procedure in which both palatine tonsils are fully removed from the back of the throat.Tonsil surgery can be done in tonsil stones, recurrent tonsillitis, Tonsillitis is an infection…

Tonsil stones are small lumps that form in your throat. These are formed when the debris hardens or calcifies. They are also called tonsilliths. Tonsil stones can cause bad breath though they are usually not painful or harmful. Tonsils are…

Sound heard in one or both ears in the absence of external noise. People of all ages can develop this, but its more common in older adults. Tinnitus is commonly known as a ringing sound in the both sides of…

Discomfort during early childhood caused by the eruption of the primary teeth. Teething is the growth of teeth through the gums in the mouth of infants and young children. Your baby starts teething, between 6 and 12 months. He or…

Cancer can develop from tissues in the mouth, tongue, larynx, salivary glands. Symptoms include. Sore throat that does not heal or a change in the voice.The throat is a tube-like structure that starts behind the nose and ends in the…

Thrush is a common yeast infection that affects men and women and infants. It is a fungal infection that can grow in your mouth, throat and other parts of your body. The medical term of thrush is candidiasis. In your…

It is an autoimmune disease that can cause joint pain and damage throughout the body. Rheumatoid arthritis affects joints on both sides of the body, such as both wrists, hands, knees. This symmetry helps to set it apart from other…

The polycystic ovarian disease is a hormonal disorder that occurs in the female reproductive system mostly affects young women.PCOD is characterized by small single or multiple cysts that are formed in the ovaries due to hormonal imbalance which causes enlarged…

Pharynx is the back of the throat.Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx that causes sore throat and fever. Causes: Viral infection like cold and cough that is caused by rhinovirus, coronavirus, etc. Bacterial infection is the most common cause…

Definition : pemphigoid is an autoimmune disease where blisters appear all over the body .Autoimmune disease means when body cells harm their own body cells itself. It mainly affects old aged people. Types : 1. Bullous pemphigoid : in this…

Morning sickness is also known as nausea gravidarum, nausea, vomiting of pregnancy (NVP), emesis gravidarum, and pregnancy sickness. It means nausea and vomiting occurs during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. 80 percent of pregnant women experience this during 1 St…

Acute inflammation of the meninges is called meningitis. Meninges are theouter protective layer of the brain and spinal cord that get inflamed. It is caused by viral or bacterial infection.The most common form is viral meningitis which is less severe…

Low blood pressure is also called hypotension. Low blood pressure occurs when blood pressure drops below the normal range. Low B.P., 90/60 mmHg or below. Normal blood pressure is considered to be below 120/80mmHg. Hypotension can be temporary or it…

The cornea is an outer protective layer that protects the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber of the eye. Progressive thinning of the cornea with irregular shape causing blurred vision is called keratoconus. In keratoconus, the cornea bulges out and becomes…

Just below the chest bone, the sternum experiences pain with severe burning with acidity called heartburn. It is worse with the eating of oily food, in the evening, or on lying down. It comes occasionally while eating continuously fatty food.…

Gastroenteritis is also known as stomach flu. Gastroenteritis means there is infection or inflammation of the stomach and intestine that is characterized by sudden onset of vomiting and diarrhea. Gastroenteritis is caused by having food or water that has been…

A broken bone is known as a fracture. There are many possible causes of fractures, the most common cause is fall or accidents. There are other causes too like osteoporosis (bones become weak and brittle), osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease)…

Discomfort physically due to muscles, tendons, bones by ligaments causing at the elbow joint or tennis elbow. A person having problems in moving, in working, not able to carry any kind of weight it is mostly seen in professions due…

Dandruff is a white flake(dead skin cells) that appears over the scalp. It is not a diseased condition. It does not spread from one person to another person. CAUSES Any particular cause of dandruff is unclear, but research states that…

Introduction: neurons are the basic unit of the nervous system. These are specialized cells having the ability to communicate with other cells in the brain. Axons and dendrites are the special structure of the neuron that helps in communication between…

Dengue fever is also known as breakbone fever. Dengue fever is caused by a virus named dengue virus (DENV). It is transmitted by female mosquito bites an Aedes widely disperse in subtropical and tropical areas of the world. The most…

Depression is a mental or psychological disorder, in which there is a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest from everything that affects daily activities of life.Depression is more common globally, approximately 264 billion people get affected by this.…

Dermatophytes are also called ringworms. It is a skin infection caused by fungus. It can occur anywhere in the body like the scalp, face, abdomen, legs, groins, hands and nails, etc. Causes: ●  There are 40 different species of fungi…

Introduction: Child development refers to how the child is learning a basic skill as he or she is growing with age. Development is different from growth. Growth means a child is getting bigger in size, whereas Developmental skills are: ●…

Introduction: it is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a high blood sugar level over a prolonged period of time. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism that results from insulin deficiency or abnormality…

Irritant diaper dermatitis is the medical term for diaper rash. Diaper rash is a condition in which rashes appear on the buttock and in the genital area due to friction of the skin with a diaper. Causes of diaper rash…

Diplopia means seeing two visions of a single object. This is called double vision.There are two types of diplopia: monocular and binocular. Monocular diplopia means one eye is affected. Binocular diplopia both eyes get affected by this.Monocular diplopia is a…

It is also known as a slipped disc or herniated disc.A herniated disc can occur anywhere in the spine but more commonly affect the lumbar region of the spine.The disc is a cushion-like structure that is placed between the vertebrae.…

Dupuytren’s disease also known as Morbus Dupuytren, and palmar fibromatosis. Dupuytren’s disease is a connective tissue disorder of the hand which involves the skin and bands of the fibrous tissue called fascia. Fascia lies under the skin of the fingers…

Dysentery is the inflammation or infection of the intestine mainly the colon part accompanied by severe diarrhea that may contain blood. It's mainly caused by bacteria ( Shigella bacillus) and parasites named entamoeba histolytica. This infection is spread via food…

Dyslexia is a neurological disorder in which a person has difficulty in learning numbers and letters. People can’t spell and write numbers. Dyslexia mainly occurs in children. It mainly occurs in people with attention deficit disorder. Dyslexia more commonly occurs…

Carbuncle is the group of pus filled pimples under the skin. It is mainly caused by bacterial infection and can spread from one part to another part of the body and can spread to another person at the same time.…

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where the median nerve gets compressed , which passes through the carpal tunnel in the palm side of the hand.Carpal tunnel is a passage which is surrounded by bones and ligaments. Median nerve gives…

Cellulitis is the bacterial infection in the deeper layer of the skin i.e. dermis and subcutaneous layer. Cellulitis mainly affects the skin of lower legs. Causes : Cellulitis occurs when bacteria's most common are streptococcus and staphylococcus enters into deeper…

Cervicitis is the swelling and infection of the uterine cervix. Cervix is the lower part of the uterus. It connects the vagina to the uterus. Causes of cervicitis : Cervicitis can occur due to infection mainly caused by chlamydia and…

A chalazion is a fluid-filled pimple or lump in the eyelids due to blockage of an oil secreting gland named the meibomian gland. It is usually painless and may appear and disappear in a few weeks or a month. A…

Cholelithiasis is the medical term for gall stones. A gall bladder is a pouch-like structure that stores bile produced by the liver that helps indigestion. Wate products like cholesterol and bilirubin are also contained in the bile. Too much cholesterol…

Introduction: cirrhosis is a late stage of the liver disease in which healthy liver tissues are replaced with scar tissue and the liver is permanently damaged.Cirrhosis always develops because of another liver problem . Its condition in which the liver…

The climacteric period includes the perimenopausal period, menopausal (cessation of menses), and post-menopausal period. It accompanies various health consequences. These consequences result from the decline of ovarian hormones which alter brain neurotransmitters and provokes menopausal symptoms such as osteoporosis (weakness…

Pink eye is the other name for conjunctivitis. It is the infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva ( a layer that covers the outer layer of the eyeball or white part of the eye) Types: Irritant or allergic conjunctivitis. Infective…

The cradle cap is also known as infantile seborrheic dermatitis or pityriasis capitis.Cradle cap occurs mainly in infants. It's a very common and harmless condition that looks like dandruff. It causes crusty scales over the scalp. It is not a…

Cervical spondylosis is a condition that causes deterioration of joints, vertebrae, disc, ligaments and cartilages in the cervical spine which is the neck region. It is a common medical condition and involves mostly aged people. Cervical spondylosis is also known…

It is a kind of fungal infection skin conditions that affects the beared area  including face , neck , chin , upper lip etc,its also called bearded ring worm, due to its  nature of the condition it mostly occurs in…

ntroduction Your beautiful smile can be affected by the disease name Gingivitis which is the inflammation of the gums it make thin film layer of plaque on the tooth or accumulate the food material the edges or joint of gums…

Blemish is the term used for any kind of mark on the skin. Blemishes are harmless, but some people treat them for cosmetic reasons. It is a type of mark, spot, discoloration that appears on the skin. Blemishes on the…

Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelids caused by blockage of oil-secreting glands placed at the base of each eyelash. Causes: ●  Parasite Demodex folliculorum present in an excessive number over eyelids causes blepharitis. ●  An Immune deficient person can…

Introduction Eye twitching is an uncontrolled blinking,spasm of eyelids, eye twitching usually affects eye muscles of both eyes.twitching of eyelids is spontaneous and uncontrolled spasm of muscles, which move the eyelid Blephrospasm is marked abnormal or excessive blinking. When blepharospasm…

Introduction Body odor is generally a mix combination of the sweat and the bacteria. It perceived an unpleasant smell our bodies can give off when bacteria that live on the skin break down sweat into acids. Causes of body odor…

 Introduction  it is a unpleasant sensation which causes disturbance in the body and they was triggered by nervous system.its onset can be gradually or suddenly depending upon the many factors. Every individual have there own experience in body pain. Types…

Introduction its also called emotional dysregulation disorder according to its name clearly indicate mental health, patient may have experiance with impulsive behaviour, worthlessness felling, nervous excitement etc. the exact pathology behind this is unknown it develop gradually or sudden grief, bad news shock…

Introduction: breast cancer occurs when healthy cells of the breast start to grow abnormally. Signs of breast cancer are: ● A lump in the breast.● Change of breast shape● Dimpling of skin● Fluid coming from the nipple ● Red or…

Bronchiectasis is a condition where there is permanent /non reversible widening of the airways (bronchi and bronchioles) of the lungs, due to destructive changes in the bronchial wall. Due to destruction in air passage wall, it causes inflammation which results…

Introduction  bony bumps it clearly characterised by the enlargement or prominence of the bones at the metatarsal phalangeal joint of the big toe. the bones in the front part of the foot move out of the place resulting in the…

Introduction burns are tissue damage due to overexposure to sunlight or heat, any kind of radiation, or chemical contact,or electrical burns on the skin. Burns are divided into 3 categories according to the severity of the burns. It can be life-threatening…

Introduction It is an act to expel out excessive air from the stomach through the mouth it happen during extension of the stomach with the swallowing of the air,burping, belching or eruction.burping is it self a symptoms of gastrointestinal track.…

What is Amenorrhea? Amenorrhea is the medical term for when a girl/woman doesn't get menstrual periods. Amenorrhea - The absence of menstruation, one or more missed menstrual periods. It can be temporary or permanent. There are times when you are…

Ankle pain Overview The ankle joint is made up of three bones (tibia and fibula of the leg and the talus bone of the foot ) and ligaments (lateral and medial ligaments) or with tendons.Injury to the ligaments bones and…

Complete or partial loss of smell called Anosmia. It can occur due to many reasons like blockage of the nose and infections, etc. Anosmia Causes: Nasal polyp: cystic and mass-like growth in the nose which can occur due to allergic…

Anxiety Disorder Treatment by Dr. Ruchi It is very normal to feel anxious sometimes but uncontrollable worrying and fearing about the present situation or future is called an anxiety disorder. Excessive worrying and fearing about things can disturb day-to-day activities.…

Ataxia is a loss of control of muscle movements due to damage to brain cells or nerves resulting in slurred speech, difficulty in walking or swallowing, abnormal eye movements, etc.Ataxia can affect any person with any age group. Causes: It…

Adenoids are part of the lymphatic system, situated behind the nose and just above the throat. It prevents germs from entering the body through the nose and mouth. Adenoids are present at birth, they start to shrink after the age…

Introduction: hair is made up of two parts: hair follicles and hair shaft. Visible hair is the hair shaft whereas hair follicles are made up of hair bulb and papilla. It provides blood supply to the hair and enhances growth.…

Pink eye is the other name for conjunctivitis or irritant and allergic conjunctivitis. It is the inflammation of the conjunctiva ( a layer that covers the outer layer of the eyeball or white part of the eye). Allergic conjunctivitis occurs…

Acne is the form of a pimple, it can be papules, pustules, cystic and nodular, white head or blackheads, etc. It occurs when hair follicles blocked by sebum/oil, dead skin cells, bacterias cause inflammation of the skin and produce acne.…

Definition : an abortion means end of pregnancy by expulsion of an embryo / foetus from the uterus. If an abortion occurs suddenly, may called as miscarriage . it can be induced and natural/spontaneous abortion. Classification and etiology :  Induced…

Allergy is a condition in which the immune system of the body overreacts in some people to certain things (substances) that are not harmful usually. The substances that cause an allergic reaction are called an allergen. It can be hay…

Achalasia cardia is a condition where it is difficult to move food from the food pipe into the stomach. It occurs when nerves in the food pipe become damaged and get paralysed and not able to squeeze food down into…

Endomyometritis or endometriosis interna are other names of adenomyosis. Introduction: the uterus is a muscular organ situated in thefemale pelvis between the rectum and bladder.When an egg is released from the ovaries and travels to theuterus via a fallopian tube…

Tear or cut to the anal region or in the anal canal called an anal fissure. An anal fissure can occur in anyone at any age. It can be caused by injury to the mucosal layer or by overstraining, etc.…

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a brain disorder in which a person is impulsive and impatient with a lack of attention and makes many mistakes while performing a task. It mainly occurs in children and can affect adults but rarely.…

Allergic rhinitis is also known as hay fever. In allergic rhinitis inflammation /swelling occurs inside the nose or mucusmembrane of the nose due to allergic reaction from allergens like dust particles, pollen grain, pets etc. Causes of allergic rhinitis  1.…

The funny thing about Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow is that you don’t need to perform like RogerFederer and Tiger Woods to get injured by it. What is Tennis Elbow? Tennis Elbow affects the outside of the elbow, which is…

A small sac occurs in the intestine known as diverticulosis. Infection and inflammation of the diverticula are known as diverticulosis. Diverticulosis is noninfectious. Diverticulitis is mainly caused by bacterias named escherichia coli.It can spread to the peritoneal cavity or the…

Bedwetting is the most common problem in children, in which it is difficult to control urine while asleep at night. Bedwetting is normal in many cases especially in children but it can be a symptom of illness in adults. The…