Intraocular melanoma is the rare type of cancer of cells of eye. Melanin gives color to the eyes and helps to protect it from UV rays. When there is uncontrolled growth occur is melanocytes they can form a tumor called intraocular melanoma. CAUSES:- the exact cause of intraocular melanoma is not clear. Other risk factors and cause are:- EYE CANCER…


It is rare type of cancer develop in middle layer of eyes. In intraocular melanoma the melanocyte cell of eye, which give color to our eyes start growing abnormally. Intraocular melanoma is also known as Uveal melonoma or occular melanoma. CAUSE of INTRAOCULAR MELANOMA:  The exact cause which leads to development of this cancer is not known yet but there…


Islet cell are endocrine cell present in pancreas, these cell secrete insulin which help which help in in controlling sugar level in blood. When islet cell start growing abnormally it called islet cell tumor It is rare type of cancer Islet cell tumor also known as pancreatic neuro-endocrine tumor It can be benign or malignant in origin Pancreatic neuro-endocrine tumor…

Increased Uric acid

In the body, uric acid is a waste product. Uric acid can set up in the joints and tissues,causing a range of health issues. It includes gout, a form of arthritis. NORMAL URIC ACID LEVEL:-Presence of uric acid in the blood is normal. However, if uric acid levels go high or low in a healthy range, this can result in…