Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash

Irritant diaper dermatitis is the medical term for diaper rash. Diaper rash is a condition in which rashes appear on the buttock and in the genital area due to friction of the skin with a diaper. Causes of diaper rash : ●  Diaper rashes mainly occur due to over friction between skin and diaper. ●  A wet diaper can irritate…



Diplopia means seeing two visions of a single object. This is called double vision.There are two types of diplopia: monocular and binocular. Monocular diplopia means one eye is affected. Binocular diplopia both eyes get affected by this.Monocular diplopia is a rare condition as compared to binocular diplopia. Monocular diplopia: monocular diplopia is the double vision from one eye. Causes of…

Disc Prolapse

Disc Prolapse

It is also known as a slipped disc or herniated disc.A herniated disc can occur anywhere in the spine but more commonly affect the lumbar region of the spine.The disc is a cushion-like structure that is placed between the vertebrae. It plays a very important role in the lower back and supports the upper body and allows movements in all…

Dupuytren’S Disease

Dupuytren’S Disease

Dupuytren’s disease also known as Morbus Dupuytren, and palmar fibromatosis. Dupuytren’s disease is a connective tissue disorder of the hand which involves the skin and bands of the fibrous tissue called fascia. Fascia lies under the skin of the fingers and palms of the hand. Abnormal thickening of the fibrous tissue can lead to shortening and thickening of tendons that…



Dysentery is the inflammation or infection of the intestine mainly the colon part accompanied by severe diarrhea that may contain blood. It’s mainly caused by bacteria ( Shigella bacillus) and parasites named entamoeba histolytica. This infection is spread via food and water that has been contaminated with fecal matter. Types of dysentery: Bacillus dysentery: bacillus dysentery is a very common…



Dyslexia is a neurological disorder in which a person has difficulty in learning numbers and letters. People can’t spell and write numbers. Dyslexia mainly occurs in children. It mainly occurs in people with attention deficit disorder. Dyslexia more commonly occurs in males as compared to females.In some cases, people with dyslexia are intelligent and hardworking but their brain doesn’t process…



A small sac occurs in the intestine known as diverticulosis. Infection and inflammation of the diverticula are known as diverticulosis. Diverticulosis is noninfectious. Diverticulitis is mainly caused by bacterias named escherichia coli.It can spread to the peritoneal cavity or the surrounding tissues. In advanced cases, diverticula can burst out due to overexpansion caused by severe infection. Diverticulosis Causes :  Chronic…